We had really nice meeting with Ummu Abdillaahi, A & M yesterday alhamdulillaah!
In that week our plan is also about like that:
On the morning:
1. morming circle
2. small lesson, for example work sheets, pre school book, new Arabic words or reading about our theme of the week
3. Z plays educational games by himself.
On the afternoon some activities which doesn`t need so much concentration, like
play doh
story books
playing together
And some small works at home (like helping in the kitchen etc.) and outside activities every day too.
I don`t put any times for the activities, because it depents a lot about my another tasks of the day and also activity of Z. So sometimes we can have many lessons on the day and in some another day less, sometimes they are longer and sometimes shorter etc. But this kind of plan seems to work for us!
Yesterday I got also wooden letters I ordered for Z from Näpsäkkä from here . I took those of 4cm and 0,25€. There are also letters made from felt!! Now I think, why I didn`t order also them, because they are not really expensive and it would have save a lots of time to have letters as ready! And felt is so nice material!
Our letters are not really strong even if they are made from wood, but I think that for our purpose they are good enough! In Montessory pedagogy the vocals and konsonants are colored with different colors and now I think should I paint our letters also. I think that the point is wise - when kids play often with the letters, it`s after easy for them to remember which of the letters are vocals and which of them are konsonants - only by remembering the color symbols!
Today we made some activities with Z with our new letters. I took some simple pictures and wrote the name of the picture. A good place for Finnis flash cards can be found from here (from "selaa kuvia" can find many themes!). Then Z tried to write it by his wooden letters. In that way:
Now I gave for him the letters he needed, and he choosed the right places for the letters, but when he learns the idea, it would be better to put letters to a box like that:
(The picture is from the cover of the book called "Auta minua tekemään itse, Montessori-menetelmän sovelluksia".)
We also tried, how it feels, when "write" a letter on the wooden letter with finger.
I have nearly finished the book ("Auta minua tekemään itse" means "Help me to do by myself") and I have to say that there are many interesting ideas!
The books for these week:
The Arabic ones I found from library alhamdulillaah and the theme seemed to be interesting for Z. I ask the daddy to read them for the kids! (I`m also beginner in Arabic!). The Finnish one is our own. It`s Mikko Mallikas (Burhaan in Arabic) and the book tells about friendship. Also an important thema!