Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Daad is for ضفدع (a frog) and Saad for صديق (a friend)

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Alhamdulillaah this week started again with nice moments with sister Ummu Abdillaah, A and M in the Park. Kids made a nice poster about friends. We started this at the park and finished at home. Boys painted their hands, Z added their names at home by the help of dots and we added also letter Saad. I don`t know how Z`s hand looks like he has many fingers - I think he continued to color it after painted it? :)

At the park kids started also worksheets. Z continued at home but not finished yet.

Nowdays he can do quite good letters when he concentrates, but he wants to do only one or two well and then he starts to do them messy. Sometimes he colors them etc. There are huge difference between these two letters and them are both made by Z. But I think that in this point the most important thing is that he likes to do them and feels that learning is fun.

For letter Saad we took also theme fasting صيام  and pray صلاة  . These are really important themes, but in this week I only introduced them for Z in short way for he could link them to letter Saad. I do like that because I would like to learn more about these themes with kids in Ramadan inshaaAllaah.

For letter Daad I choosed a frog ضفدع. We made before one simple circle about the life cycle of the frog. It can find from here.  I found a nice idea for frog thema from here. There are also a nice fish and many other nice ideas. These can print somehow, but I tried to draw the frog by myself.

Simple and fun!

Then we played this wooden puzzle. First in normal way...


and then we used pieces for drawing. Z liked this a lot! At first he used pencil, because we had to repair some difficult places little bit.

Here the body is already done - it`s not good to leave the body last one :). I only wanted to demonstrate how we used pieces and when Z draw and concentrated deeply I didn`t want to disturb him.

Then Z made lines by ink.

He wanted also color the frog.

S demonstrated the life cycle of the frog like that. This frog is an old toy. It`s like elastic jolly :).

Then our experience: we tried some items, if they sink or float on the water. I found from here a really nice idea for a frog theme sensory sink! Our experience was little different, but I wanted to add the idea of sensory sink too. In the same blog there is also a really nice sensority sink about theme sink or float, check here.

And how about our frog? It floats :).

It also sticks on the bath :).

I found many other good ideas for thema frog, but because of lack of time and materials I didn`t try these. But maybe some else would like to try, so I add them here too.
Some examples can find from

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