Saturday, June 29, 2013

week of letter Saad and Dzaad and some Ramadan plans

          Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Alhamdulillah in the begining in this week we have started our new letters Saad and Dzaad bi'iznillahi wa ta'ala.
For these letters I'd like to take new words Salaah and Sawm, however we planned those theme in Ramadan now I prefered new word "Saadiq"- Friend and for dzaad "Dzaif"- Guest. Sister Ummu Karim also gave me idea about "Dzifda"-Frog.

InshaAllah i'll talk about this next time.

Honestly I 'll say, in this week i hadn't time to spand with my kids to learning those themes. Actually we spoke little bit about them, but didn't do any activities for them, mostly now days we are speaking about Ramadan. And I'm busy still with cleaning ,washing and preparing for Ramadan. As a muslim Ramadan is very special month for us SubhanaAllah, Alhamdulillah , Allahu Akbar!

My preparation and plans for Ramadan.
For my self,
2.Hadis (arbai'n)
3.Listen lecture
5.Usool al thalatha
 In this year I added little new things which is new on my list. InshaAllah I'll use Sister Ummu Sarah's idea to store some foods in freezer. Before I hadn't big freeser. And Sister Ummu Raiyaan's idea dua list inshaAllah.

InshaAllah i'll write plan list for my kids later.

Please some note for our dear readers: If you see sometimes we are adding new posts in our older posts. It means, we can come with our new ideas or activites or even one useful link which is belong to that theme or letter, and we'll put again in our past weeks. Since this blog'll be our outline in the future to use again and find the themes as a ready inshaAllah.

For example; I'd like add Sajda for letter siin (We did some activities but now i have not more pictures and i didn't add something which was my intention) InshaAllah when I'll finish i'll post on my Siin week. Like this for letter Shiin "Sun-Shamsun" and we little learned about sun clocks, inshaAllah throughout their turn i'll post them too.
So that please check up next time too))

Here I can share our last Ramadan activies inshaAllah.

Activity books from sister Umm an Numan
We cut and A pasted numbers form Ramadan joy

hand print for good tree

A's good tree
Ramadan moon calendar

Laylatul qadr mini bb display

from sister Umm Sarah colorings

InshaAllah we can reuse those our ready things in thise year and add some new things and finish which is needed. This year A is about 3 and half M is about 2. That time they was 2 and half and about 1. I think it's not problem to do some activiy  every year, only you can add more information for perfect them age and do activity little bit complicatedly.

InshaAllah to be continued!))

Have a nice preparetion for everyone, May Allah help us and bless us!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Traffic city


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Today we went to Childrens` traffic city. I wanted to go there already, when we had thema " a car", but it was not open on that weekend. K and S had been there many times, also for glass room lessons. Z is too young for these lessons, in this year they take children born 2008 or older and for bicycle lessons children who has completed first class or older. In these lessons they teach rules of the road and I think that lessons are interesting! But because Z is too young for these we went to the city today, when it`s family day.

Kids driwe there by these kind of cars and they should try to follow the rules of the road. There are road signs, traffic lights etc. There are also bicycles. Z drowe today both of them: by a car and by a bicycle.

Here kids are in traffic lights. Today I didn`t take lots of pictures because I wanted to concentrate to supervise and teach Z. Fotografing was also quite difficult because there was lots of moving children whose faces I didn`t want to pictures :):

There is also a nice small play ground and a swing for baby I :). So, he enjoyed too. Z liked this place so much, that he asked me already in metro on the way back home, that could we go again! I think that this place is educational and fun in the same time!



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Learning Arabic numbers, home made Arabic alphabet blocks and some small plans for Ramadan


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

For math we tried this time to mix these Montessori pearls and Arabic numbers in that way. (Work sheets for numbers are from blog A Muslim Child is Born.)

After putted pearls in their places, it was easy for Z to check, if he had done correct or not.

It was already little too easy for Z, because the numbers were in numerical order, so after I cut them separate and also hide Finnish numbers. Now there was more challenge! It would be better to print in the first place pictures to card board to make them stronger!

It`s easy to check the answers!
Also can check Finnish numbers if needed.

For "Finnish" numbers I made apples. Kids helped me to color them. Idea is same than before, but now I said for Z that there are caterpillars who come to eat the apples and the caterpillar is so long than the number on the apple tells :).

In this time I also color coded the answers, so Z sees direct if the answer is correct or not - from the color.

Z can basic numbers already quite well, but makes sometimes mistakes, so I think it`s good to practise them too sometimes.

I found a nice idea for home made Arabic alphabet blocks from here. These can print, but again I made them by hand like that. I haven`t done them all yet, but wanted already to show the idea. These can use for practising letters.



For Ramadan I prepared with S a simple poster. I found materials from Tiimari -70% :).

Our mosques :). Today Z and S have build them again and again and played with muslim paper dolls. Z wants to make adhan etc. :). (Only removed sticks before play!)

I`ve seen in many blogs different kinds of good deed cards. I decided to make a good deed mosque instead. We prepared this mosque with Z and S. My idea is that kids try to do good deeds every day in Ramadan inshaaAllaah. But I didn`t want to give the ideas of good deeds for them as ready as in the idea of good deed cards. I`ll hope they start to think by themselfes, what kind of deeds are good ones and what kind of good deeds they can do by themselfes. I hope that K and S help Z in the beginning. I hope that we`ll discuss about these good deeds every day in Ramadan inshaaAllaah and on the day kids have done some good deeds, they can put a sticker, where is the first letter of their name on the picture. I`ll promise a small present for many stickers inshaaAllaah!


We`ve planned Quraan lessons for kids and for me in Ramadan inshaaAllaah. My husband is responsible for this :). We found this Quraan for K from Istanbul and it`s easy to read.

I went again to library and find second part of the book Salam - islamin polku 3-4. This is meant for classes 3-4, so it`s quite difficult for Z, but I thought I could again shorten stories inshaaAllaah and use the book also with K and S. I found there good resources for our Ramadan themes.

I ordered for Z two Arabic books from and them arrived today. I like a lot the first one: First thousand words in Arabic!

The second one: My Marvelous Arabic Alphabet is little different than I thought. I thought that there are work sheets for letters, but maybe I didn`t check the introduce of the book proberly. It`s nice, but not exatly what I thought.




I started these books with Z.
I found also one Finnish book about Islam for children. It`s called Lasten kirja islamista. It`s quite basic one, but I think that I could use it with my kids inshaaAllaah.
And for theme waiting Ramadan moon, we made a telescope. It`s made from toilet paper roll and a cup and covered with foil and some adornments. Simple, but Z liked it :). Now he`s waiting a Ramadan moon :).

Z was so interested about the moon that I decided to go with kids to  the observatory. Z wanted to take his telescope with him :).  I forgot my camera to home, so S took pictures by her phone. That`s why I had to cover faces from some pictures :).

The place was quite small, but interesting. There was for example some history of astronomy.

And information about astronomy in monitors. We learnt for example that our weight and age would be different in other planets if there could live.

And nice posters.

And a library.

We went to the high obserwatory tower. It`s historical and really old.

It moves. The guide told for us that Finland was one of the first countries in where was this kind of tower.

I had to carry baby I, because there were lots of stairs.

Some experience about sun, earth and moon.


I also buyed presents for Ramadan calendar and now bottles are ready alhamdulillaah. Z and S helped me to wash windows on Monday etc., but I still feel that we have lots to do before Ramadan.

In this week some days have been really warm, so we brought kids to swim and picnic. My husband found from Vuosaari nice place, where was no other swimmers. We`ve been before in another place, which I liked more, but yesterday water didn`t seem good there, so we went to Vuosaari. In this kind of places which are not real swim beaches, should be carefully and check the water before let kids go to swim, because in some places it can become deep suddenly!

Me and baby I relaxed for a while. I read the book Salam - islamin polku 3-4. 

Z loved to ride by this kind of hammerhead shark.

I`ve promised to introduce our summer lotion for Ummu Abdullaah, so here You are :). For kids I prefer 50 cover. In K`s football turnee and S`s gardening these are really needed and supervisors say for parents that kids should use these. For small kids I think that the best cover are long clothes and a hat.

S founded a clam.




In the next day it was really warm too and kids went to swim again!