Friday, May 3, 2013

Some nice books again

Today our only new tha-word was a fridge  ثلاجة. We didn`t do any exercises for it, only tell the word for Z. I think that it`s an important word, but maybe not so interesting thema for 3 year old boy ;). From S`s book I found some nice pictures for our themes.

I found again some nice books from library too.

Now this is the right "Aamu" for learning Finnish! There are many themes in Finnish like the names of the days of the week, weather etc. This book is also used in Finnish courses and at school. I recommed it for beginners!

For Z I found a nice book, where can listen to the voices of animals. Z likes this book a lot!

We found also a fox from the book! I didn`t know that fox has that kind of voice! SubhaanAllaah! Now we have discovered aboub fox using many sences alhamdulillaah! There were many animals of which we have studied!

 I found also same kind of book about birds, but unfortunately it didn`t work. Maybe it`s broken or batteries are empty...

This is also for Z about spring:

Have a nice reading time!


  1. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear sis, are the books from library? They are looks so interesting! If some of them from your own homelibrary (especially arabic), it'll be great take some for some time and return inshaAllah.

  2. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear sister, Only that Arabic one is S`s book and she is now studying it in Kaisaniemi school, so she needs it. Another ones are from library. But maybe we could read them on Monday together? Also I think these Finnish ones You can find from helmet. I recommend "Aamu" for You to learn Finnish inshaaAllaah :). It`s so nice vocabulary with pictures and You could study at home. I think it would be good also for A.
